Tuesday, 26 January 2010

King Loth by Shortbread and Osprey

Hello it's Shortbread and Osprey here.
We are sending this post to tell you about our school play (King Loth).
We really enjoyed the performances. We performed the play in the Brunton Theatre in Musselburgh which made it more exciting for us!
I,Shortbread, was a witch. It was great fun. I had to brush my hair backwards which made it stick up really badly! There were 6 witches. I had lots of black makeup and red fake nails on. We performed it on Wednesday the 20th and Thursday the 21th of January, in the evening. The performance was from 7:30 until 9:45. The auditions started in May although I wasn't here for them because I moved to this school in the summer so I just got the part of a witch which I am glad of! Rehearsals started in August and they were also after school on Wednesdays. They were a bit boring but they were DEFINITELY worth it!

I, Ospery, was a monk. It was great fun. I got to dance everywhere and I got to sing a lot. We found Thenew on the beach where we were collecting shells. Thenew is King Loth's daughter. There were 12 monks. We were working on this play for a long time and it was so much fun. It was definitely worth it! All P4/7 took part in the play.

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